Thursday, November 10, 2016

The World's Shortest Mystery, A Puzzle

A number of years back I sent off The World's Shortest Mystery to several mystery magazines without success. When I submitted it to Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine I thought I might get a pro-rated check for 2.5 cents. No such luck.

So, here it is, a mystery puzzle in two letters with punctuation. In it, we have an event and a suspect. Scroll down for the solution.

Mr. . ?

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

Dot missed her period. Question Mark.

Mr. = mister = missed her

Martin Hill Ortiz


Martin Hill Ortiz is the author of Never Kill A Friend, Ransom Note Press.

Never Kill A Friend, Ransom Note Press

Never Kill A Friend is available for purchase in hard cover format and as an ebook.
The story follows Shelley Krieg, an African-American detective for the Washington DC Metro PD as she tries to undo a wrong which sent an innocent teenager to prison.

Hard cover: Amazon US
Kindle: Amazon US
Hard cover: Amazon UK
Kindle: Amazon UK
Barnes and Noble 


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